In 1993, K.S. Shipping Company Pte Ltd was incorporated in Singapore when it acquired its very first tonnage, the 4,850 Dwt'Madura' from Straits Steamship Group. The vessel was renamed "Asian Venture" registered under Singapore Flag and deployed on the lucrative semi-liner runs between Singapore, Yangon and India.
The Company has since expanded its business from ship owning/operator into logistics related activities inter alia; providing break bulk services from mainland Chinese ports to the Indian sub continent and Persian Gulf linking Singapore and Port Klang to its service.
Apart from owning its own tonnage, the Company also charters space to load heavy lift/long length project cargoes from Chinese ports for destination Persian Gulf, Africa and way ports.
K.S. Shipping Company also handles regular shipments of timber every month from Malaysia and Singapore ports to Colombo and also contracts to ship project cargoes worldwide.