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Vessel Chartering
Liner BreakBulk
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We are specialised in part cargo bookings for tramp vessels especially towards India and Persian Gulf ports having an excellent relationship with many of the main shippers in Singapore as well as transhipment parcels. We maintain excellent network of tramp owners and principals who operate on parcelling tonnage from Far East to India and Persian Gulf and regularly carry project cargo, construction machinery, oilwell and rig equipment, pipes, steels, structurals to destinations like Mumbai, Chennai, Colombo, Dubai, Dammam, Doha, Chittagong and occasionally Red Sea ports like Jeddah. We also book with most breakbulk liner oprators to India and Persian Gulf ports.

In summary, We work the following destinations regularly for part cargo booking :

  • Calcutta
  • Chennai
  • Chittagong
  • Colombo
  • Dubai
  • Dammam
  • Doha
  • Kuwait
  • Mumbai

  • Special rates for Dubai, Dammam and main Persian Gulf ports

  • For Part Cargo booking, pls contact the following person:-
  • Mr. Gani: gani@ksshipping.com.sg

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